Damchey (Lama D) was born in Punakha, Bhutan. A graduate of Simtokha Dzong and Tango Buddhist Institute in Thimphu, he earned his Master’s degree in Buddhist philosophy.  

Lama D teaches daily classes for 12,500 students via WeChat and Telegram. His Buddhist groups are called “Tharpi Sabuen” or “Seeds for Enlightenment”.  He teaches how to plant seeds in every word and action, in order to build virtue, so that upon death you can graduate beyond the realms of Samsara, illusion, and impermanence. Lama D teaches practical skills including meditation, how to balance the mind, and how to live in the modern world without creating Karma.  

The goal of Bhutanese Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism is to protect all sentient beings from suffering and offer an opportunity for enlightenment to everyone. For example, he teaches about the Six Realms of Delusion and how to stay conscious when passing through the Bardo (Purgatory) after death. He teaches in Dzongkha, the language of Bhutan.  

Tharpi Sabuen follows the spiritual teachings of His Holiness Je Khempo, Bhutan’s Highest Lama, who is the equivalent of the Dalai Lama in Bhutanese tradition.  

Lama D’s name Damchey means “Dharma”. He has just one name, given by the Lamas at birth. His unique path integrates two polarities of a highly creative, gregarious nature coupled with the monastic focus of a renunciate. He combines ancient Buddhist monastic training with decades of teaching school, political activity, serving as a Member of Parliament, clinical healing practice, and everyday family challenges. Unlike many Lamas living a sequestered life, he has been forced to surmount complex challenges of relationships, parenting, money, and chaos, while living the pure Dharma. 

Lama D accepts no fees for his classes. Voluntary contributions can be made via bank transfer to the group bank account. These funds are used for special ceremonies and spiritual projects. Currently, the group is building a series of traditional shrines to honor the five great patron saints of Bhutan. The first shrine was inaugurated in Thimphu Children’s Park, and seven more have just been installed. They plan to implement 205 shrines throughout Bhutan.  

Lama D is also on the faculty at NewEarth University. He currently lives in Bali, Indonesia with his wife, Srijana where they offer classes and healing workshops. 

Everyone is welcome to join the Tharpi Sabuen group with an invitation from a member or one of the 12 coordinators on WeChat or Telegram in Dzongkha. To contact him in English, please email his wife srijana@fiveseasonsmedicine.com with the reference: Tharpi Sabuen. 


Linked Articles by Lama D 



WHAT IS ENLIGHTENMENT? Breaking the Cycle of Death and Rebirth 


Yoginitantra: The Secret Chakra Teachings of Buddhism